Thursday, May 14, 2009

5 Questions to Ask Your Mother or Grandmother

May is Older Americans Month, and for many of us, the most important older Americans are our own parents and grandparents. Although thinking about retirement is difficult for everyone in these tough financial times, it is particularly important for women, who too often live out their retirement years in precarious financial straits.

This month, take time to help yourself - and those you love - plan for a more secure retirement. Start by asking your mother or grandmother the following questions, following up with suggestions found in the complete version. Together you may find some solutions that will make both of your lives better.

5 Questions to Ask Your Mother or Grandmother

1. Can you make ends meet; are you worried about depleting all of your savings?

2. Do you have a competent tax and financial advisor?

3. Are you struggling with prescription drug costs?

4. Are you getting all the medical care you need?

5. Have you been approached to get involved in charitable contributions, investment schemes, business ventures or loans that seem questionable?

To read the entire fact sheet, visit The National Education and Resource Center on Women and Retirement Planning at

Happy Older Americans Month!

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